water parsnip การใช้
- Characteristic plants include milk parsley, greater water parsnip and lesser reedmace.
- The most common plant associates are water parsnip ( " Sium suave " ).
- Poison Pond is the location of a few locally rare plants, including wild mint, striped maple, spikenard and water parsnip, which are not typically found in the White Bear Forest.
- The nationally uncommon species lesser tussock sedge " Carex diandra ", water sedge " Carex aquatilis ", slender tufted sedge " Carex acuta " and water parsnip " Berula erecta " are also present.
- Other areas of ditches support species such as the nationally scarce water soldier " Stratiotes alludes ", fen pondweed " Potamogeton coloratus ", hairlike pondweed " Potamogeton trichoides " and water parsnip " Sium latifolium ".
- After their baths, they would then apply face whitener, such as chalk powder, white marl, crocodile dung and white lead . rocket ( arugula ), cucumber, anise, mushrooms, honey, rose leaves, poppies, myrrh, frankincense, almond oil, rosewater, lily root, water parsnip and eggs.
- The unimproved wet-meadow communities largely consist of variants of the nationally rare Blunt-flowered Rush Marsh Thistle " ( Water Parsnip " ( Sium latafolium ) ", Whorled Water Milfoil " ( Myriophyllum verticillatum ) " and Fen Pondweed " ( Potamogeton coloratus ) ".
- From the walks he has learned new information about what bears eat-- for instance, a heavy diet of herbs from wetlands in the spring such as water plantain, sarsaparilla, jack-in-the-pulpit, ferns, thistles, cattails and water parsnips; berries and ants in the summer; berries and nuts in the autumn.